Making Money as a Playwright Part 2
I think that many artists feel the winds of change happening regarding the arts in America. We look around at states defunding the arts. We see major non-profit and “successful” theater companies laying off staff and divesting themselves of their theaters.
Be Specific
Do you know your character’s favorite color? Favorite dish? The street they lived on as a child? What was the game their mother played with them when they were five? Why do they keep an item in their pocket and when do they take it out and stroke it? What memories does it provoke? What emotion does it conjure in your character?
Details. From the larger, to the smaller, and from the smaller to the larger, details make the character specific and unique.
Making Money as a Playwright Part 1
The playwright Robert Anderson famously said in the late 50’s early 60’s that “one can make a killing in the theatre, but not a living.” The late Tim Kelly, a very prolific playwright for the school and community theater markets who passed away in 1997, published over 350 plays in his life, and would have about 6,000 performances of his plays every year, all over the world. His pieces were translated into dozens of languages. He adopted Anderson’s quote and paraphrased it for the amateur theater market: “You can make a living, but you can’t make a killing”….
What Are Your Writing Goals?
Goals are a means to an end, plain and simple. They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus and move us in a direction. The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves to expand and grow. Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it’s who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment….
October Spotlight: ETC Member Kim Ruyle
I think that many artists feel the winds of change happening regarding the arts in America. We look around at states defunding the arts. We see major non-profit and “successful” theater companies laying off staff and divesting themselves of their theaters.
The Working Playwright: My Love / Hate Relationship with Theater
I think that many artists feel the winds of change happening regarding the arts in America. We look around at states defunding the arts. We see major non-profit and “successful” theater companies laying off staff and divesting themselves of their theaters.
What’s the #1 Question I Get Asked?
I think that many artists feel the winds of change happening regarding the arts in America. We look around at states defunding the arts. We see major non-profit and “successful” theater companies laying off staff and divesting themselves of their theaters.
The Value of a Theatre Community
I think that many artists feel the winds of change happening regarding the arts in America. We look around at states defunding the arts. We see major non-profit and “successful” theater companies laying off staff and divesting themselves of their theaters.
One Step at a Time
I think that many artists feel the winds of change happening regarding the arts in America. We look around at states defunding the arts. We see major non-profit and “successful” theater companies laying off staff and divesting themselves of their theaters.